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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721

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The Importance of Geochemistry in the Management of Lake Environments: Analysis of Parameters Composing the Water Quality Index (Wqi)

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.preprints.1200261, PP. 1-11

Subject Areas: Geochemistry, Environmental Sciences, Hydrology

Keywords: WQI, Lakes, managemet, parameters.

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The present work aims to elaborate a review of the geochemical aspects used to compose the Raw Water Quality Index (WQI), highlighting lake environments and their importance for management practices. This paper is a bibliographic review based on specialized scientific and legislative literature conducted between April 2016 and March 2019. The scientific articles were selected by searching the Scielo database and the Periódicos Capes and the database search was performed using the terminologies registered in the Descriptors (Thesaurus) or Keywords (Scopus and Web of Science) for geosciences and environmental sciences. The WQI is the main quality index used in the country and is calculated based on nine parameters (water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, total residue, biochemical oxygen demand, thermotolerant coliforms, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and turbidity). The values determined through the calculation of the WQI are classified in ranges that define the water quality, which varies between different Brazilian states. Among its mishaps, it is noteworthy that the WQI does not analyze other factors important for public supply, such as toxic substances (eg: heavy metals, pesticides, organic compounds), pathogenic protozoa and substances that interfere with the organoleptic properties of water, which are under other management tools. The systemic model of water resources management adopted for Brazil is still in the process of improvement, because it still works through a decentralized system where the public authorities, at different levels, have an active voice, thus requiring the commitment to make a long-term monitoring based on a reliable geochemical analysis, so that an integrated management can be carried out, allowing the synthesis and characterization of the current state and management criteria of lake environments, with the main objective of facing the conservation challenges allied to sustainable use of its resources.

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Silva, A. , Azevedo, I. and Cruz, M. (2020). The Importance of Geochemistry in the Management of Lake Environments: Analysis of Parameters Composing the Water Quality Index (Wqi). Open Access Library PrePrints, 4, e261. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.preprints.1200261.


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